C.E.O MICASO PICTURES Michael Asonganyi is the Founder/CEO of Micaso Estate/Micaso pictures and an International Social Worker.

 He is the director of the much talk about the project “The Scar that Scares Me”. He was recorgnised by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for his excellent,social, innovative and entrepreneurial performance. He recieved the award Global Swede 2019 from the swidish minister of forieghn trade Ann Lindeat. He is a Zafaa Global Film Festival award winner for the category BestShort Film 2018. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work with Specialisations in I nternational Social Work from Gävle University Sweden, a diploma in Scandinavian Culture, in Scandinavian History and Society from Halmstad University, as well as a diploma in Storytelling in Moving image production from the University of Karlstad Sweden. As a Social Entrepreneur, he works with films and documentary wit the main purpose of bringing attention to social issues that affect the well-being of people, promotes social inclusion,creates awareness about women’s right, promotes cultural freedom and integration.


Award of Best short film 2018” in the the Zulu African Film Academy Awards, Zafaa Global Awards in London.